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Realfire FAQ

Here are some of the questions we have been repeatedly getting from customers. If you have any questions which are not covered here, feel free to ping us at

Product Usage

Can I wrap text inside the Query/Apex Editors?

Yes you can. You need to toggle a setting called Toggle Word Wrap.

  1. Click on the Search button on the top right corner of the window

  1. In the dialog that pops up, type "Toggle Word Wrap" and that should show an action as below.

  1. Click on the option. To turn off, you can click on that action and it should toggle it off.

I cannot see Object x when searching in Realfire Explorer. Why?

It could be for couple of reasons.

a) Object is not shown in the explorer (see below for instructions on how to show them)

b) You do not have access to that object. Check with your admin on getting access to the object.

Show/Hide the objects in Explorer

By default, Realfire shows only the objects that are most used (Standard Data, Custom Data, Custom Metadata, Custom Settings). However, you can control this behavior using Object Settings as shown below.

  1. In the View Menu in explorer, select Object Settings

  1. Select the object types you want to show

How do I change the date/datetime format that is used to display in Data Grids?

To change the date/datetime format, goto Main Menu -> Window -> Preferences -> Realfire -> Date/Time and enter the date/datetime formats. Note that Realfire uses Java formatting tokens as defined here

::: warning Once you change the date/datetime format, Data Grids needs to be re-opened for format to take affect so re-execute the soql or restart the application if you want new format to reflect in non-soql data grids. :::

Here are some sample datetime formatting strings.

Format StringResult
MMM d yyyy hh:mm:ss a zJan 8 2021 10:53:19 AM PST

Here are some sample date formatting strings.

Format StringResult
MMM d yyyyJan 8 2021

License Management

Can I extend my trial?

Yes. Please send us an email

My trial has been extended. What do I do now?

Once you work with support team to extend the trial, you can refresh the license to get the latest trial license. See Faq entry below.

How do I refresh license?

Realfire automatically refreshes license to get latest license information. But if you want to do it becuase you have been instructed to do so by support team, follow these steps.

  1. Goto Menu Help -> Manage License

  2. Click on the Refresh License button. If you do not see the button, you can increase the dialog size by holding the edges of the dialog and making it bigger.

  3. Product will fetch latest license and restarts with new license.

My company uses PO (Purchase Order) to acquire license. How do I go about?

Purchasing license via Credit Card from website is most easiest way and it is completely automated. However we understand that some companies doesn't support that process. We will work with you to purchase license in Quote -> PO -> Invoice process. Please contact us with details.

Can I cancel my subscription?

Yes, you can cancel anytime. We will refund the unused portion of license cost. Please send us an email

Can I add additional seats to existing license?

You can add seats to existing license anytime. Please contact us with your request.

If I purchase a license and add a seat later, how does multi-seat discount work?

You can chance your subscription license configuration anytime and you can increase or descrease the seats or editions.

When we make changes, we will first calculate the prorated license cost for unused portion of the subscription, and calculate the prorated license cost per new configuration for rest of the subscription period and bill or refund the difference.

One of my team members who currently activated the license left. How do I deactivate that license?

Please send us an email and we will remove those members activations.

How do I transfer my license from old computer to new one?

Please send us an email and we will inactivate activations in old computer.