Added wild card selection in select soql statements
How many times have you wished, you could just do select * from account
and see all fields and records from account?
Now you can in Realfire along with additional enhancements.
For ex.,
select * from account
, selects all queyrable fields fromaccount
select *__c from account
, selects all custom fields fromaccount
select partner*__c from account
, select all custom fields which starts with partner fromaccount
select id, name, billing*, ship*, *street from account
Well, you get the idea. Happy querying.
Note: This wildcard querying is not supported in Dataloader.
Added support for viewing record counts of all sobjects
Sometimes one would want to view record counts of sobjects. So far one would have to select each object, right click and view the record count. That is fine for one or two, but if you want to see for 10 objects, it gets painful.
With this release you can right click on Objects
in Connections view and refresh the approximate and accurate record
Record counts are shown in Objects List (the one you get when you double click on Objects or choose View Details from
its context menu).
Approximate record count uses new Salesforce api, which fetches pre-calculated record count. This may not be accurate and record count may not be available for all objects.
Accurate record count, fires select count() from sobject
for each of the sobjects so depending on number of sobjects
you have,
it can take lots of api calls and time as well.
Added support for generating Object Details Report
This feature creates a html containg details of all sobjects and its fields. View sample report generated by this feature.
Added cleanup Job
When user clicks on New Query or Apex editor, a backed file is created in ${workspace}/common/files. Since one typically just clicks on new query editor, files typically just growing, many times being empty. This version has a cleanup job, which deletes the empty files which are modified older than one day.