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Product name is changed from Realforce to Realfire

Per Salesforce guidelines of app-exchange products, we had to rename the product from Realforce to Realfire. This change resulted in singnificant underlaying updates to the product and website but we have taken the care to make the migration as smooth as possible.

To alingn with new product name, the workspace path is changed from ~/.realforce to ~/.realfire. During the startup new version will automatically copies the files over to new path and updates the files to change the old path references to new one. However old path is kept as is and we will cleanup after few versions if you haven't removed it yourself.

If you run into any issues, please let us know.

Sql Update (Enterprise)

Wouldn't it be easier to issue a statement like update account set billingstreet = 'CA' where billingstreet = null?

Well, from this version of Realfire, you can. Not only that you can issue update statements, the flexibility with which you can tackle your update needs are limitless with support for specifying values using formulas.

For ex., update account set name = "value.capital_case()" or update contact set email = "value.ensure_suffix('executorTest)'"

Sql update can be specified in Dataload as well as in Query Editor.

Sql Delete (Enterprise)

We had support for Sql Delete in earlier version but we have refactored to work along with Sql Delete. Now Sql Delete can be used in Query Editor along with Dataloader.

One change over previous versions is, we have renamed Sql Delete Hard option in Dataload. Now that capability is part of sql delete statement itself.

For ex., delete hard from account where createddate = today()

DML Executions (Enterprise)

While Sql Update and Sql Delete dataloads makes it certainly easy to manipulate data, it still takes time to setup a dataload and execute. This is preferred if you want to re-execute the dataload or if you are updating huge number of records if you want to more control over type of api used or other options.

However, if you have very small number of records and wants to update them quickly, DML Executions would make it super quick. They can be executed from same Query Editor that already support executing Soql and Sosl parserQueries.

Dataload Notifications (Professional)

In this version, we have added support for getting notifications when a particular Dataload is completed via Slack or Emails.

You can specify default email and default slack url that we need to nofity and also you can customize notifications at individual Dataload.

Formula Playground

We have support for specifying formulas in various places in Realfire. This version enhances the number of formulas you can use including Sql Update. However one issue has been discovering and understanding what a particular formula results in.

To overcome this, we have added Formula Playground. In the playground, you can specify input value and a formula and visualize what the output will be.

View Record Hierarchy (Essential)

If you have an object which has self-referencing field (for example Account.ParentId or User.ManagerId), it consititues a hierarchy as each paernt can point to its parent. With this version, you can view the hierarchy of of record based on that field. This works for both standard as well as any custom fields you define.

Realfire Salesforce API Usage

Some customers might be worried about number of API calls Realfire uses. While we have been very cognizent of API usage and do prompt user if an operation going to consume lots of API calls, it would be better if users can view type and number of api calls on daily basis.

In this version we introduced the API Usage tab to Connection Details view. History is kept upto 30 days. Records can be deleted anytime by selecting and delete from context menu.

The "Faker" term has been changed to "Test Data"

We have a view "Fakers", which is used to generate executorTest data for your app. The term was not very intuitive hence it has been changed to "Test Data". If you had any profiles, they will not be visible in new version as underlaying path has been updated.