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Actions Toggler (Enterprise)

Actions toggler allows you to visualize current Active/Inactive state of Apex Triggers/Validation Rules/Workflow Rules/Process Flows and allows you to change them one or all at a time.

It also allows you to save the current state of enablement and apply that state later. This state management can be used to compare Active/Inactive state between orgs or save to revert back to it later point in time.

Form View Display (Essential+)

We are re-introducing the Form View display more soql data grid with feature parity as normal display mode with following changes.

  • There is a icon in toolbar which can be used to goto form view
  • All actions in Context menu works same as in normal mode
  • Search for data and fields works same as in normal mode
  • View mode is preserved so next time you query, it will use previously shown mode

Multiple search terms in Soql datagrid (Essential+)

In Soql datagrid, user can easily filter for records by searching for data or shorten the list of fields shown by searching for fields.

Up until now, one could only search for single term so it was not possible to search for multiple fields at a shot.

In this release that is enhanced so you can type multiple search terms separated by , and each elements matching any of those terms will be shown.

For ex., you could type id,name in search fields, and it will show all fields containing either id or name.

Special search terms (Essential+)

Soql data grid support special search term {req} which means match required fields. If you type this term by itself, grid show only required fields. This is helpful when creating new records so you can shorten the fields to only requried ones.

View Full Record menu supports multiple records

In Soql data grid, View Full Record has been updated to support multiple records.

Clone Records menu supports multiple records (Essential+)

"Clone Record" menu has been enhaned to support selecting multiple records and cloning them at one time

Error while querying if soql contains negated predicates

Due to change in parsing logic in 4.1 following query was erroring out, epsecially the part (Not ProductCode Like '%PARTNER%')

SELECT Id, Family, ProductCode FROM Product2
WHERE Family = null
AND (Not ProductCode Like '%PARTNER%')

Parser has been updated to handle this scenario.

NPE while search for fields in Full Record view mode

Due to the way Single record view was implemented, when searching for fields, it used to throw NPE. That issue has been fixed.