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Roles Viewer (Enterprise)

Roles viewer lets you visualize all roles in an org as a list or tree, which includes additional information like number of users assigned. Depending on the customer feedback, we may add support for managing (add, edit or delete) roles in future versions.

User Management (Enterprise)

This version adds significant number of capabilities related to User Management with following actions to act upon multiple users.

  • Search for a user easily across
  • Login as a User
  • Activate/Inactivate Users
  • Reset Password
  • Unlock Users
  • Freeze/Unfreeze Users
  • Cleanup Sandbox Email
  • View Login History
  • View Setup Audit History

View Org Reporting Hierarchy (Enterprise)

This feature allows you to view the Users Reporting Hierarchy which shows every user with their manager. This information is shown in two ways. As a field in the Users list table and also as a tree form in a dialog. Dialog can be opened by clicking on icon.

Users Effective Permissions Visualizer (Enterprise)

With Permission Sets, we can easily manage the access by grouping small set of access and assign to one or more users. However, when we use Permission Set visualizing why a user is getting access to some component, can be like walking through thick forest.

User Permissions Visualizer feature condences permissions across Profile all assigned Permission Sets and shows the effective access user has in a particular Object, Field or other entities (Apex Class, VF Page etc)

This can be accessed by select one or more users and selecting "View Details" from context menu.

Import Users (Enterprise)

Mass Import (insert or update) users with support for resolving Profile/Role/Manager Ids based on Name/Email/Username.

Email Log Viewer (Enterprise)

Email log viewer allows you to visualize all email log files and open each of them to search for a content you are looking for without having to download manually. You can search for any of the field within the email log.

Login History Viewer (Enterprise)

View all available login history (upto last 6 months) and search for any of the content within it.

Setup Audit History Viewer (Enterprise)

View all setup audit history and search by user or other entities.

Purge Dataload (Enterprise)

This version adds support for purging records of a particular object similar to Insert/Update/Delete dataload types. This type will expect a list of ids for an object in a file and will purges them from object.

Purge DML Dataload (Enterprise)

Purge DML allows you to purge records which are already exists in Salesforce without having to extract the ids and feed back into dataload. You can issue a sql statement purge from <object> where <condition> format. You can use this statment as a dataload or you can directly run inside a Query editor. Here are some examples.

purge from task where createddate > last_n_days:30

purge from account where billingstreet = 'CA'

Undelete Dataload (Enterprise)

This version adds support for undeleting records of a particular object similar to Insert/Update/Delete dataload types. This type will expect a list of ids for an object in a file and will purges them from object.

Undelete DML Dataload (Enterprise)

Undelete DML allows you to undelete records which are already deleted in Salesforce without having to extract the ids and feed back into dataload. You can issue a sql statement undelete from <object> where <condition> format. You can use this statment as a dataload or you can directly run inside a Query editor.

Here are some examples.

undelete from task where createddate > last_n_days:30

undelete from account where billingstreet = 'CA'

Debug Log Viewer (Essential+)

View all available debug logs and view its contents. Content is parsed and various components of Debug log are shown separately to quickly see the content you might be looking for.

Object Limits Tab (Essential+)

Object's setup details are shown for each object.

View Child Records (Essential+)

You can query for child reference fields and view the list of child records for each record. But one had to select each record and view its child records. To make it easier, this version adds a bottom panel in Soql Datagrid when child reference field is selected (which can be hidden using a toolbar icon).

That panel will show all child records of currently selected one or more parent records. The first two fields of parent fields are shown as part of the row header to give context.

Parent/Child Browser (Essential+)

Parent Child Browser allows you to take a root record and drill down into all possible children (and their children and then so on). If you have a set of linked objects, this allows you to visualize all the information from a root record. For ex., if you select an Account, you can see all contacts for that account, all cases for selected contact etc.,

To access query the data as usual (either preview or execute soql), right click on one or more records and choose View Parent/Child Browser

Recent Objects and Favorites Views (Essential+)

Objects are the most used aspects of Realfire and for a good reason. However, it is a time consuming to go back and looking for some of the recently used and favorite objects. This version adds Recent Objects and Favorites views. These views shows the objects across all connections. So you can easily look for it and open them.

Since these views are added as part of this version, existing users needs to reset perspective to get these views. To reset perspective, goto Window (top meny) -> Reset Perspective. If you close any of the views, you can reopen by choosing Window -> Show Recent Objects/Show Favorits menu items.

View Record History (Essential+)

You can select one or more records from Soql data grid and choose View Record History, which will query the history for those records and shows the results. Even though it just issues a soql behind the scene, not having to write that yourself is a plus.

Show Api Usage for the day in connection (All)

Keeping tab of number of api calls used by tools you use is important, especially in production. This is to ensure that there are enough api calls left for critical integrations. To facilitate this monitoring, Realfire now shows the number of api calls used today (from gmt time) in the connection label.

Consistent Timezone handling (All)

We used to use the connection's timezone. This caused lots of confusion when two connections have different timezone. To ease this, we now always use the timezone set in the Realfire preferences (defaults to UTC). That timezone is used to show all datetimes in Realfire.

Multiple Statements in Saved Scripts (Essential+)

Saved scripts allows you to specify multiple (soql or sosl) statements and save it. When executed, these multiple statements will be executed in parallel.

Show field Label in Show Field Info

In the soql datagrid, you can right click and choose Show Field Info. That will add field type, length and if field is required or not to column header. We have updated that to add Field label as well.