What is Realtask?
Realtask is Salesforce centric task execution SaaS solution. It is available at and it can also be deployed on-prem cloud.
What can I use this for?
Here are some use cases that Realtask can help you with.
- Migrate data from one Salesforce org to another heterogeneous Org
- Import data into Salesforce from files/google sheet/db etc.,
- Import hierarchical dataset with auto-parent reference lookup
- Export data from Salesforce based on Soql/Report/Multiple Soqls etc.,
- Seed your sandbox to bring subset of production data with objects hierarchy intact
- ...much, much more
Here are some noteworthy capabilities of Realtask.
- Scheduling any number of jobs upto per minute interval including one time and manual modes
- Activate/Inactive Jobs without having to remove them
- Execute multiple Tasks per Job
- Support for multiple Salesforce identities upto Task Level
- Orchestrate multiple Tasks in a Job based on run status or some runtime parameters
- Complete control over how to map the input data (transform rows/fields) using full fledged formula support
- Multiple connections management
- Supports following Task types
- Export Sfdc Soql results to S3 or Gsheet
- Export Sfdc Report Ids to S3 or Gsheet
- Import into Sfdc from S3 or Gsheet
- Execute DMLs (change sfdc data) without export and manipulating the data manually
- Run Sfdc Apex script
- Schedule Sfdc Queueable/Batch Jobs
- Invoke Sfdc Rest Apis
- Invoke Any Http apis