Text Tool
Text Tool is a handy tool that provides many operations that you can perform on lines of text. For ex., converting Sf Ids from 18 to 15 chars or vice versa, extracting Ids from text, quickly compare two text blobs to see the difference, match two blobs of text and identify matching/non-matching lines and much more.
The main elements of the Text Tool are shown in the above screenshot.
Primary Input: This is the main text input. Usually the input text is processed by lines by some operations may consume whole text
Secondary Input: Some operations need 2 inputs to function and in such cases, secondaty input is read from here
Operation: This is the text operation that you are performing
Options: List of options to specify. Options are comma separated, case-insensitive key-value pairs. For ex.,
Output: This is the output of the operation
History: As you perform operations, Text Operation and Options are captured so you can recall them back.
Operation | Options | Input Mode | Secondary Inputs | Description |
18 Char Ids | By Line | Converts text in each line to 18 digit ids. Ignores invalid Sfdc Ids | ||
15 Char Ids | By Line | Converts text in each line to 15 digit ids. Ignores invalid Sfdc Ids | ||
Extract Ids | group (boolean, default false): Groups the Ids by its prefix | Whole Text | Extracts Ids from given input. | |
In Clause String | max (int, default 500): Maximum number of values per In Clause String size (int, default 50): Number of values per line In Clause String | By Line | Optional | Creates a SOQL In Clause string from main input. If you specify any text in Input2, then that text is prefixed to all generated strings. If Input2 contains {{value}} keyword, then output is generated by replace that keyword. |
Duplicates | By Line | Optional | Identifies the duplicate lines in the input. If there is Inpu2, then identifies duplicates between 2 inputs else identifies duplicate lines in main input | |
Sort | case (boolean, default false): Sort case sensitively | By Line | Sorts the lines in input1 | |
Sort Reverse | case (boolean, default false): Sort case sensitively | By Line | Reverse sorts the lines in input1 | |
Unique | By Line | Removes the duplicate lines in input1 | ||
Trim | By Line | Trims (removes, non-whitespace chars) from line beginning and end | ||
Pad Left | size (int, required): Size of padded strings char (int, default 0 ): Char to pad | By Line | Adds left padding to strings | |
Pad Right | size (int, required): Size of padded strings char (int, default 0 ): Char to pad | By Line | Adds right padding to strings | |
Truncate Left | size (int, required): Number of chars before which chars are truncated | By Line | Truncates the left side of the string | |
Truncate Right | size (int, required): Number of chars after which chars are truncated | By Line | Truncates the right side of the string |