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Role Manager


Role Manager module allows you to visualize the Role Hierarchy, manage Roles, and manage User assignments. Go through this handle guide to know how to use it.

You can access the Roles module from App Menu App Menu -> Modules -> Role Manager. When you open the module, it shows the page as shown in the below screenshot. Below screenshot shows the main layout of the page and important controls.

Explore Roles

You can do the following things to explore the Roles.

  • You can expand or collapse the tree by clicking on the +/- icon.
  • Search for a specific role by entering the search term in the Search in Grid search box
  • You can filter one or more columns by entering search term in the Filter Columns search box
  • Click on a Role to see assigned users of that Role
  • You can export the Role hierarchy tree
Keep in mind
  1. Role Company is a virtual Role created to represent the Company itself. It is not a real Role record hence you cannot assign users to it or
  2. App shows only Internal Roles (PortalType = 'None')
  3. Role Users column shows the number of users assigned to that Role
  4. Hierarchy Users column shows the number of users assigned to the Role and its subordinates
  5. App includes only Active users in the count calculations due to performance considerations

Manage Roles

App allows you to make changes to the Role or hierarchy via various means including drag-n-drop of the roles.

Add Roles

To Add a new Role or multiple Roles, select the parent Role and click on the Plus icon in the toolbar, or you can also click on the Add Role from the right-click context menu in the Roles datagrid. App will show the below dialog.

Enter the Role details and click Save button. Once the new Role is saved, the dialog will close and the Role hierarchy will be refreshed with the new Role.


Opportunity/Contact/Case access fields are shown based on the Org Wide Default settings for that object. It should mimic the options that are shown in Salesforce UI.

Add Multiple Roles

You can add multiple Roles and hierarchy in bulk at a time by selecting Add Multiple option. When you select it, the app will show the below dialog.

Enter each Role name in a new line. You can include the hierarchy by separating the hierarchy segments with / char. DeveloperName will be derived from the entered Role Name. If there exists a Role with matching Name, then that role will be reused without adding new.

For ex., let's say you want to create the below hierarchy

└── North America
├── East Coast
│ ├── Illinois
│ └── New York
├── South
│ ├── Florida
│ └── Louisiana
└── West Coast
├── California
└── Oregon

then enter the below text in the Roles text area.

North America/East Coast/Illinois
North America/East Coast/New York
North America/South/Florida
North America/South/Louisiana
North America/West Coast/California
North America/West Coast/Oregon

Once you enter the Roles text, click on Save button. App will create all necessary Roles to establish the requested hierarchy.

Edit Roles

To edit a Role, select the Role and click on the Edit Role from the Datagrid right-click context menu. The below dialog will be shown. Make necessary changes and click Save

Move Roles

You can move around Roles to build the hierarchy you’re looking for. There are two ways to move Roles. 1. By dragging the Role to new Parent 2. By selecting or more Roles and clicking Move Roles Here menu item.

Drag-n-Drop Roles

Datagrid row has a small drag handle in the Hierarchy column. Click-n-hold on that icon and drag it to the new parent Role and drop it. App will prompt you to confirm the move and then performs the move.

Select and Move Roles

While Drag-n-Drop Role allows you to easily move Roles, but it is limited to single Role at a time. If you’re looking to move multiple Roles, may be from different locations, this option is best suited for you.

Select all the Roles you want to move, right-click on any of the selected Roles and select Select Roles to Move menu item. Now goto new parent Role, right-click and select Move <n> Roles Here menu item. App you prompt you to confirm the move and then performs the move.

Delete Roles

To Delete or more Roles, select the Roles and click Delete Roles from the Datagrid right-click context menu. App will show you the confirmation dialog.

Review the confirmation message carefully and click Yes, Delete button to continue to delete the roles. Note that deleting roles is a multistep process. App will first unassign users from the Role being deleted, then it will update all roles to set ParentRoleId to null and then it will delete the Roles.


If you want to keep the children of a Role, then move the Roles to another parent Role before deleting.

View Assigned Users

In the Role Datagrid, there are two columns that show the number of Users assigned to the Role. Role Users column shows the number of Users assigned to that Role directly. Hierarchy Users column shows the number of Users assigned to the Role and its subordinates.

To see the actual list of Users assigned to a Role, click on a Role and the right-side panel will show the list of Users.

To assign and unassign Users, go through the next section.

Manage Users

You can Assign/Remove and Move users from one role to another, all are done from Assigned Users side panel.

Assign Users

Click on Plus icon in the toolbar or select Assign User from the right-click context menu in the Users Datagrid. App will show the below dialog.

  1. You can’t assign to root Company Role as that is virtual Role created to represent your company
  2. App searches for users matching this criteria, basically shows active internal users IsActive = true and (not Profile.UserLicense.Name like '%Chatter%') and (not Profile.UserLicense.Name like '%Partner%') and (not Profile.UserLicense.Name like '%Customer%') and (not Profile.UserLicense.Name like '%Guest%')
  3. To include already assigned Users in the search, uncheck Unassigned Only switch
  4. The search keyword you enter, searches Name, Email and Username fields.
  5. User search limits to 1000 Users ordered by Name. If the user you’re looking for is not shown, enter a more specific search term.

When you open the dialog, the app shows active and unassigned users. You can also search for a specific user in Sfdc or Search for Users in Grid. Double-click on a row to assign or highlight a set of Users, select Select Users from the context menu.

The list of Users selected to assign is shown on the right-side panel. You can remove users from that in the same way, by double-clicking a record or choose Unselect Users from the context menu.

Once you’re happy with selected users, click on Assign Users. App will make necessary changes, closes the dialog, and the Roles list refreshed with the updated user count.

Remove Users

To remove assigned Users, follow these steps.

  1. Highlight one or more users
  2. Click Remove Users from the context menu.
  3. App will prompt you to confirm and once confirmed, will remove the users and refresh the Roles list to reflect the new User count.

Move Users

You can also move users around using these steps.

  1. Select a Role from the left grid which shows its assigned Users in the right grid
  2. Highlight one or more users who you want to move and click Select Users to Move from the context menu.
  3. Select the target role where you want to move the users to.
  4. Select Move <n> Users Here from the Roles context menu or Users context menu.
  5. App will prompt you to confirm and once confirmed, will move the users and refresh the Roles list to reflect the new User count.

Export Roles

Exporting Hierarchy

It can be handy to export your company Role hierarchy to share, analyze, or auditing purposes.

  • Copy Other -> Copy Hierarchy as Tree copies the Role Tree to clipboard
  • Copy Other -> Copy Hierarchy as Segments copies the Role Hierarchy as path segments to clipboard
  • Export Other -> Export Hierarchy as Tree exports the Role Tree
  • Export Other -> Export Hierarchy as Segments exports the Role Hierarchy as path segments

Here is an example of Hierarchy Tree output

└── North America
├── East Coast
│ ├── Illinois
│ └── New York
├── South
│ ├── Florida
│ └── Louisiana
└── West Coast
├── California
└── Oregon

Here is an example of Hierarchy Segments output

North America
North America/East Coast
North America/East Coast/Illinois
North America/East Coast/New York
North America/South
North America/South/Florida
North America/South/Louisiana
North America/West Coast
North America/West Coast/California
North America/West Coast/Oregon

Exporting Roles List

As with any datagrid, you can export the Roles list using the Datagrid export menu.