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Datagrid is used throughout the app and is designed to be consistent across. Here are some of the Datagrid features you would want to know about.

All most all Data grids allow you to search for a particular row of data using search. Some grids also allow you filter columns. Both usages follow a common thread of behavior as outlined here.

  • Search text must be more than single char
  • Enter any text to filter records. Data is considered matched if any searchable column cell value contains the search term
  • Search term separated by space will be treated multiple sub-terms, which would a data cell if both terms matches that cell. For ex., entering contact role would match OpportunityContactRole, ContactContactRole but not Contact or AccontRole
  • Special chars in the cell values are replaced with space, and each word in the cell value is matched against the search term
  • Enclose in quotes (single or double) to do exact match. For ex., "Task" or 'Task'
  • Start with ^ to do starts with match. For ex., ^Account would match Account and AccountContactRole but not My_Account__c
  • Start with $ to do ends with match. For ex., $Account would match Account and My_Account but not AccountContactRole
  • Enter multiple search terms separated by comma (,) to show matches which matches any of the terms. For ex., entering Contact,Account would match Account, Contact, OpportunityContactRole etc.,

Column Filters

While Datagrid Global Search enables you to search for data across all columns, Column Filters search feature enables you to filter rows by searching in the selected set of columns. See this video guide on how to use the feature and its capabilities.

If Datagrid tend to have a lot of columns, especially like SOQL Datagrid, app enables Filter Fields search input. Search term entered there will be used to find matching fields and show only those columns. The search behavior is same as Data Search so refer to the above section to know how to search

Row Grouping

Datagrid Row Grouping feature enables you to group the data, apply various aggregations to non-grouped columns and view the report. It also allows you to export the Group Summary for further consumption. See this video guide on how to use the feature and its capabilities.

Compare Values

Compare Values feature helps you compare any two cells in Datagrid. If cells you want to compare are adjacent, select those two cells, right-click in the cells, select Compare -> With Each Other to open the compare values dialog.

If cells are not-adjacent, you can copy one of the cell contents into clipboard and compare with the other cell via Compare -> With Clipboard

Export Records

All Data grids allow you to export data. To export Right-click on the datagrid -> Export Other -> <export option>. You can select the appropriate export option as per your needs.

Brobench supports exporting to the following formats.

  • CSV Files
  • Excel Files
  • Google Sheet

Copy Other


Copy Other feature allows you to copy Datagrid data in various other ways or change the source of the data. You can access this by right-clicking in datagrid and going to Copy Other menu item.

Copy as SoqlObject Fields GridCopies the selected fields as SOQL
Copy as LWC ImportObject Fields GridCopies the selected fields as LWC Import
Copy as LWC Get RecordObject Fields GridCopies the selected fields as LWC Import and Get Record Code
Copy Executed QuerySoql DatagridCopies the executed query to clipboard
Copy as Apex InsertSoql DatagridCopies the selected rows/columns as Apex Insert script
Copy as Apex UpdateSoql DatagridCopies the selected rows/columns as Apex Update script
Copy as Apex DeleteSoql DatagridCopies the selected rows/columns as Apex Delete script
Copy as In Clause StringAll GridsCopies selected cells as In Clause compatible string which you can straight put into a where clause in a Soql
Copy as JsonAll GridsCopies selected rows/columns as Json Object
Copy as Json ArrayAll GridsCopies selected cells as Json Array
Copy as Text TableAll GridsCopies selected range as Text Table
Copy as MarkdownAll GridsCopies selected range as Text Table
Copy Header as CsvAll GridsCopies just the header names as csv string
Copy Selected (n) Columns as CsvAll GridsCopies selected columns as Csv data
Copy Selected (n) Range as CsvAll GridsCopies selected ranges (whatever is highlighted) as Csv data
Copy Selected (n) Records as CsvAll GridsCopies selected records as Csv data
Copy All (n) Records as CsvAll GridsCopies all records in the grid as Csv data

View Values


View Values feature enables you to view long text content in Records or from Debug Log in a separate dialog with the ability to search/filter/extract part of content with syntax coloring and formatting.

It can be launched from the following places.

  • Datagrid: Right-click on any single or range of cells and select View Values menu item
  • Debug Logs: Right-click on any text selection and select View Value or View Value as Json menu item

App will show the following dialog with content of the selection.