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Tab Changes

Tab Changes is a set of UI updates that Brobench does to a Salesforce Lightning Page, like changing Tab Favicon Color, changing Alert Bar Color etc., All the changes can be turned on/off at a connection level.

Connection Color

Many of the Tab Changes uses current Connection color, so it is good to recap how to change it. Every time you log in a Salesforce org, a connection is created, if not already exists for that username. When a connection is created, we assign a random color from swatch of 15 or so colors. You can change this color by editing a connection.

To view current connection color or change connection color, goto Logins module, Edit the connection and select new color as appropriate.

Turning on/off Tab Changes

When a connection is created, all of the tab changes are enabled by default except for the Header Bar. You can turn on/off individual changes by editing connection and selecting checkbox as appropriate. If you turn off Tab Changes global flag, all other changes will be disabled automatically. You could also enable globally but turn off individual changes as you wish.

Tab Favicon Color

This flag changes the Tab favicon to the current connection-colored version of Salesforce Icon. Note that Brobench internally users its own salesforce icon in svg format to change color, so if you have changed the Favicon to something else via other means, then it would be updated to Brobench one.

Tab Title Prefix

This flag changes adds connection name to as prefix to tab title enclosed by []. For ex., if connection name is devorg, it would add prefix [devorg] to tab title. This prefix is maintained when tab title changes as you navigate to various pages in Salesforce.

See the above section for an example where connection names pguat, dsdevorg and pprdds are added to tab titles

Alert Bar Color

This feature changes the Salesforce alert bar background color that is shown in Sandboxes or when you login as other users.


This feature works only when an Info Alert Bar is shown, which is shown in Sandboxes or when you logged in as the other User. If you log in as yourself in Production, since there is no Alert Bar, this feature is not applied. In such cases, you can use Header Bar feature.

Header Bar

Header Bar is a strip of color that is added to the top of the page. This is most useful for Production orgs when Alert Bar Color cannot be used as there is not typically an Alert shown.

Conn Name Box

This feature adds a colored box with connection name left of Favorite in Salesforce UI as you can see in above screenshots.

This flag adds an App Popup Launcher to the page which adds a Brobench Logo on the right edge of the screen. When you hover over the logo, it slides out a little and brightens up. When you click on it, it opens the Brobench Popup in the page.

Command Palette

Command Palette is a search dialog that is shown in the Sfdc Page which lets you search for various shortcuts and navigate to them. It can be opened by using keyboard shortcut Cmd+K (Mac) or Ctrl+K (Windows).