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Components Selection

Selecting components to be deployed is a critical part of preparing a deployment. This page walks you through listing available components in the source, adding/removing components to deployment, view the code difference between source and target org.

Deploy Comps Selection

This allows you to select components that are deployed to target org. Component should be available in the Source. You can select a component even if it is not modified. When you select Deploy Comps from Deployment dialog, following dialog is shown. The dialog is highlighted with various UI elements which are detailed in below table.

Available Tab

UI ElementDescription
(1) Available tabShows the list of available components. List can be shortned by using one of the Metadata List views and further refined using inline filter text inputs
(2) Selected tabShows the list of selected components. Unselecting from this tab, removes the component from Selected list
(3) Mlist ViewsDrop down shows the Mlist views. Selecting a Mlist, shows the components matching the Mlist
(4) Components statusShows number of components currently shown in the list grid. Count would update as you refine using inline search boxes
(5) Inline filter boxesEnter any text to filter the components in that column which matches components using contains (csae-insensitive) search
(6) Diff columnDiff column shows the component change type between source and target org
(7) Selection CheckboxClick the checkbox to select a component. Once selected, it should appear in the Selected tab
(8) View Full PageView the currently selected component code in full page view. If code is not selected, click on a row in List Grid to view its code.
(9) View in new TabOpen current component diff view in new tab
(10) Currently selected fileShows the currently selected file name
(11) Source and Target namesShows the source and target org names
(12) Component Files ListShows the components files tree
(13) Component Refresh IconClick to refresh the component code
(14) Code PaneShows the code difference between source and target Org. Note that code form Source is shown in right pane and code form Target is shown in left pane

List Grid Columns

Selection CheckboxSelect the checkbox to select a component. Unselect the checkbox to unselect the component
DiffIndicates the change type between source and target orgs. See below for legend of colors
NameName of the component
TypeMetadata Type of the component
ParentIf component is associated with a parent component, then that parent name is shown here. So by entering the parent name, you can list all associated components.
Modified AtTime when component is modified in Source
Modified ByName of the user who last updated the component in Source Org
Modified At (Target)Time when component is modified in Target Org
Modified By (Target)Name of the user who last updated the component in Target Org

Selected Tab


Selecting components

  • In the Dialog, first select the Mlist view that would have the type of component you looking for. See Mlist Views for Mlist and type of components included in them.
  • Grid is by default sorted by Last Modified Date (descending) so latest modified components shows on top
  • You can further refine the Components by entering search keywords in inline search input boxes. Inline input search does contains (case-insensitive) match. For ex., entering account in name input box will show components AccountController, CsaeAccountHandler etc.,
  • Once you identify the component you want to select, you can click on the grid row to view its source
  • Click on the Checkbox to select the components
  • Selected components should be shown in the Selected tab data grid

Unselecting Components

  • Unselect the checkbox in either Available or Selected tabs. To unselect, Selected would be easier it always shows only the selected components across Mlist views.

Viewing Code

  • Click on the grid row in either Available or Selected data grids and code should be shown