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Deployment Execution

Once you have configured the Deployment and ensured that it is ready to validate/deploy, you will need to execute it. There are many types of execution. Each execution as its own steps and run details page.

Here are the execution types.

  • Validate
  • Deploy
  • Retrieve Metadata
  • Freeze Metadata
  • Unfreeze Metadata


Validation tries to validate the package you have built against target org and simulates the deployment without actually making any changes. To validate a Deployment, follow these steps.

  • Goto Deployment details page. You can navigate to this page by clicking on the Deployment link in the Deployments list data grid. It should show the following page which shows the Deployment name, owner of the Deployment, Deployment status, source and target orgs and action buttons

  • In that page click on the Validate button. It should prompt with following dialog.

Enter Name (optional) and Notes (optional) as applicable for the validation. Name is a user-friendly identifier that you can associate the validation with. That name will be shown in the History list. For ex., Account intermediate changes

Click on Validate button

  • It should take you to Run details page. Page should auto-refresh while the validation is in progress and show the final page once it is either successful or errors. You can view the Components/Tests/Coverage details from the corresponding tabs. See below for sample Validation Success/Error pages.

  • If validation is successful, you can click on Quick Deploy or Deploy to deploy the changes. Note that when you click on Deploy system will fetch the metadata again from Source Org

  • If validation is failed, go back to Deployment Details make necessary changes to the deployment package and retry to validate again.

  • Note that it is not necessary to Validate before Deploy but it is recommended to validate before Deploy

Validation Success Page

Validation Error Page


Deploy action deploys the configured Metadata to Target Org. Depending on the configuration, it can Add/Update or Delete the metadata from Target Org.

Deploy can be initiated from multiple places. From Deployment Details Page and From Validation Success Run Details Page

  • Goto Deployment Details Page
  • Click on the Deploy button. It should prompt with following confirmation dialog. Review and enter the Name/Notes as appropriate and click on Deploy again.

Deploy Success Page

Deploy Error Page