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Keyboard Shortcuts

Brobench Supports various keyboard shortcuts for various actions. Capabilities to customize shortcuts and the ability to specify shortcuts for more actions is underway.


Any time you read Meta key in the help or in the App UI, think of it as Cmd key in MacOS or Ctrl key in Windows.

App Shortcuts

ActionDefault ShortcutDescription
Open PopupCtrl + Shift + BOpens the App Popup page in the Sfdc UI page
Open Popup in Full PageCtrl + Shift + Alt + BOpens the App Popup page in Full Tab mode
Open Quick SearcherCtrl + BOpens the Brobench Quick Searcher

Editor Shortcuts

These shortcuts work anywhere the enhanced editor component is used. For technically savvy, we use Monaco editor, which is the same editor that powers VS Code so all the default shortcuts should work as is, but we are documenting important ones here.

ActionDefault ShortcutDescription
ExecuteCtrl + ENTERExecutes the current/selected Query/API Request/Apex Script. This works in Query Editor, Apex Editor and API Request URL input and Body editor
Toggle Line CommentCtrl + /Toggles the single line comment. This works in all places where enhanced editor UI is used. For ex., it works in Query Editor, Apex Editor and other places.
Open Find ControlCtrl + FOpen the Find/Replace control. For ex., it works in Query Editor, Apex Editor and other places.