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Global Menus

Brobench has a few important menus that we refer throughout the documentation, so it is good to know about them.

App Menu

There are three main menus in the app, viz., App Menu, Connection Menu and Global Menu.

App Menu is an application level menu that deals with functionality at whole application level. To open the App Menu, click on the Brobench Logo on the top left of the screen. It should show below menu.

Menu ItemDescription
ModulesOpens a sub-menu with list of available modules and allows you to open them. Each module opens as a separate main tab.
Open Brobench forOpens a sub-menu listing all Salesforce connections you have created and launches the Brobench app for that connection. This is quick way to open Brobench than trying to login to that app and then click on the Popup launcher.
SettingsOpens the app Settings dialog. See Settings for more details
Lock AppBrobench app is protected by a Master Password. If you are going to be away from screen or you want to disable the Brobench app usage for a while, you can lock the app. Once locked, it will prompt you enter the Master Password to allow you to interact with it.
Quick ActionsOpens a sub-menu with various quick actions
ThemesOpens a sub-menu which allows you change app theme. See Themes for more info.
SupportOpens a sub-menu with various support related items.
AboutOpen dialog with App details

Connection Menu

Connection is the second main menu along with App Menu and Global Menu

The Connection Menu deals with functionality specific to the current Connection. To open the Connection Menu, click on the connection name on the top right of the screen. It should show below menu.

Menu ItemDescription
User Name and UsernameShows current user name and username. Click on this item to open User Info dialog
Toggle UI API Field NamesWhen you are viewing a record detail page, click on this shows the API Name of the fields displayed in detail tab.
Set User Language toOpens a sub-menu with list of Salesforce languages and selecting one sets the current user's profile language to selected one. This is quite helpful for QA team who wants to open the Salesforce interface in different language for testing.
Open Sfdc UIOpens a sub-menu with list of options which opens Salesforce UI pages including current user details view/edit page, Setup, Object Manager etc.,
Copy Login UrlConstructs a url with session id embedded which can be pasted into other browsers to login as this user
Disable Read-only forOpens a sub-menu with list of options to disable current connection's read-only flag, which would opens up to save changes to the org
Edit ConnectionOpens the dialog to edit the current connection where you can change the connection name, color and other attributes

Global Menu is the third main menu along with App Menu and Connection Menu

The Global Menu is more of a collection of bookmarks of various entities. It is presented this way so you can easily access them without having to open individual modules.

It shows History and Favorites from the following entities.

  • Connections: Lets you login to an org using the configured auth mechanism. See Connections for more info.
  • Users: Show you all users who you have done Login as and provide same options to Login as as in other places
  • Shortcuts: Shows list of shortcuts you have accessed
  • Objects: Shows list of Objects whose details you have viewed
  • Records: Shows list of Records which you have viewed in the Records module

Connection Info

Click on the Connection Menu -> <Connection Username> to show the details of the current Salesforce user and Org. Click on the Id to view its full details or view the record in the Sfdc UI