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Org Monitor

Org Monitor is a collection of tools to help you administer your org. It includes tools which are not available in the Salesforce UI and also tools which are there in UI but makes it easier to search, export etc.,

It includes the following tools. We would be happy to hear if you would like to include other information to save you time.

This module is part of Professional edition of the app and it can be accessed from App Menu -> Modules -> Org Monitor

Org Limits

Org Limits shows Org overall governor limits. Keep in mind, Salesforce doesn't expose all limits like Org Concurrent Tx limit etc., You can take a snapshot of the Limits for comparison. See the video guide below for its usage and capabilities.

Setup Audit

Setup Audit allows you to easily search for Setup Audit trail records by various criteria and show additional user details so you can easily understand what changes were made and by whom.

Click on the Search button to open the Search Criteria Dialog. Once you confirm the criteria, it should show the results as shown below.

Search Criteria Dialog

Allows you to specify the search criteria. It remembers the criteria you used previously so you can easily make changes and get going.


Keep these things in mind as you enter the search criteria

  • Date From/To is specified in your Brobench timezone, which is set in Preferences. If not set, then it defaults to current Salesforce User timezone
  • Usernames and Emails are matching using exact match so you need to enter actual email or username. Other fields like Names, Profiles etc., are done as contains match so entering partial text would be fine. See the tooltip for each field to confirm how it is matched.
  • For all other fields, you can enter multiple values separated by comma or new line and if so, any of those will match for that criteria. For ex., if you enter sam,ram for Name field, then, it will match users with name containing sam or ram

Login History

Login History allows you to search Login History object by search criteria.

Click on the Search button to open the dialog, which works similar to Setup Audit search criteria dialog, except there is no Actions field. See the above section for more info on Search Criteria dialog.

Deploy Results

Deploy Results shows all the deployments you have done to the current org and its full details, including components, tests and coverage details.

When you navigate to the Deploy Results, it shows all deployments with the latest on the top. You can filter to show Deployments or Validations and also by various status. When you click on a Deploy Result row, it shows the details to the right side.

If you highlight more than one rows, then it shows the details for those selected Deployments.

Event Log Files

Event Log Files feature lets you list all Org's Event Log Files, download one or more Event Log files together and view Event Log files without downloading them.

To access, click on the Event Log Files tab in the Org Monitor. Here is the Video Guide on how to use this feature and its capabilities.


When you open the Event Log Files, it shows the following UI.

Search Request

When you click on Search button, it shows the following dialog. See the below table for description of various fields.

Created From/Created ToDate from and to for which you need to list files. You can specify either or both of those fields. Selected timestamp is in Brobench or Connection timezone and which will be converted in to UTC before constructing the SOQL.
IntervalIndicates the Interval of Files you want to list. Both lists both Hourly and Daily. Keep in mind, there can be huge number of Hourly files so if you are listing hourly, make sure you specify other criteria like short time window or specific Event types.
Event TypesList of Event Types to list the files for. You can select more than one. If none of them are selected, then app will show events for all types

Download Files

To Download Log Files, you can click on the Download icon next to each Row. Or you can select one or more rows and click on the Download Files on Context menu or in the Toolbar.

View Files

View Files allow you to view the Event Log Files in a dialog without you having to download and open the CSV files in an external app. This has few advantages.

  • App enriches User and Report metadata information when you view the file. So you will see User's Name, Profile etc., for User and Report Name, Folder for Reports.
  • It lets you view multiple log files of the same type together, so if you are trying to analyze usage across a time window, you do not have to analyze the individual file and then combine the results
  • Brobench Viewer has minimal capability compared to Excel or Google Sheets, and hence you can manage to open massive files which will typically hang other apps. Also, how big of a file you can open depends on your system resources.
  • You can apply App Datagrid capabilities like Column Filtering and Row Groping to analyze the data
  • It allows you to reduce the number of rows that you need to analyze by limiting viewing data to a set of Users with View with Options action.

When you view one or more files, it shows below dialog. Once the data is displayed, you can search, browser, filter, and group get the summary or insights you are looking for.

View Files with Options

When you click on View with Options it shows below dialog where you can enter set of User Ids. The App will still download the files, but it will show only the events matching these User Ids. This can help to massive files like 1gb csv files without consuming too many system resources.

Email Logs

You can request Salesforce to gather information about email received or sent, from or to set of users. Upon request, Salesforce generates these Email Logs which you can download manually and use external service to view the Log files.

Brobench Email Logs viewer makes it easy to view Log Files in the app without having to download them. To access, go to Email Logs tab and it shows the below UI.


Salesforce does not provide any API to get the list of Email Logs or to download them. App reads Salesforce UI to read the list as well as download files. This means you need to have an active UI session. Otherwise, the app will show an error.

Click on the Eye icon to view the files which shows the details on the right side panel. Click on the Download icon to download the file.

Code Coverage

Code Coverage shows current code coverage at org level. When open, it lists all Apex Classes and their corresponding coverage percentage. Select a class to show all tests providing coverage for that class. This can be used to identify tests that must be run to get coverage for a class.