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Release Notes


Here is the list of things we are releasing in Brobench v4.4 Europa

About Europa

Europa is one of the 95 moons of Jupiter. It was discovered by none other than Galileo Galilei in 1610. It has the smoothest surface of any solid object in the Solar system due to its icy crust. Beneath the crust it is believed to have vast salty ocean with higher volume than all the Earths' water and is one of the most promising places to look for alien life.

  • Query Builder: Query Builder enables you to easily and quickly build SOQL queries with support for 5 levels of child fields, parent fields, any level of expression grouping, order by and limits. More Info
  • Query Editor Regions: Query Editor regions helps you tame the huge query editor content by separating in to various regions which allows you to fold that region or navigate to that via Outline. More Info
  • Query Outline: Query Editor supports opening Editor Outline which shows summary of SOQL/SOSLs in the editor along with support for Regions. More Info.
  • Support for Hard Delete/Undelete: Soql datagrid now supports Hard Deleting the records and undelete already deleted records. More Info
  • Datagrid Column Filters: Datagrid now supports filtering records via Column Filters. Global row search searches all columns and can be inefficient if you have a lot of records. Column Filters allow you filter rows based on just column value matches. It can also filter columns based on highlighted cell contents. More Info
  • Datagrid Row Grouping: Datagrid now supports grouping rows and apply various aggregations for non-grouped rows like Min, Max, Sum, List, List with Count etc., It also allows you to export the grouped summary for easy sharing and further analysis. Best part of this implementation is that it works across all Datagrid including SOQL Datagrid. More Info
  • Event Log Files Viewer: New feature in Org Monitor lists all event log files in your org and lets you view them or download them. It also supports viewing and downloading multiple files. For bigger files, it allows you to filter for a certain users so you can reduce the overall result size and still be able to view them. More Info
  • Email Log Files Viewer: Another new feature in Org Monitor which lets you view Email Logs and its details. More Info
  • Deploy Results Enhancements: Now this feature allows you to list details of multiple deploy results in a single grid so you can see components/tests/coverage across multiple deployments
  • Org Limits Snapshots: You want to track how limits are changing over hours or days? Now you can save the current state of limits, and then it will show the comparison of limits with current one. More Info
  • Copy Other Enhancements: Data grids has a super convenient feature called "Copy Other" which lets you copy the data in different ways. We are adding many additional ways to copy data like Copy as Soql, Copy as Text Table, Copy as Markdown, Copy as Apex Insert/Update/Delete code etc., More Info
  • API Explorer Response Json Path: API Response view now supports filtering the output using Json Path standard so you can tame the output and get exactly what you are looking for. More Info


Here is the list of things we are releasing in Brobench v4.3 Draco

About Draco

Draco is one of the largest and prominent constellations in the northern sky.

  • 🌟 New Module: Event Monitor: Event Monitor module allows you to monitor Salesforce Events, including Platform Events, CDC and more. It also allows you to publish with schema based json template creation.
  • 🌟 New Module: Search: Search module which replaces Users module, now allows you to search all other searchable objects, including the ability to customize predicate, fields to return and you can even edit the matched results directly in grid.
  • 🌟 New Module: Org Monitor: Collection of tools to monitor your org. Contains Org limits, search Setup Audit history, search Login history, view Code Coverage, view Deploy Results and view Health Checks
  • Global Value Sets: List all global value sets, its values and bulk edit Values.
  • Picklists by Record Type: This feature lays out all values of a Picklist and all Record Types in the Object into a Matrix Grid to visualize which values are assigned to which Record Types. It even allows you to modify right there and save it.
  • Csv Viewer: Excel, Google Sheet and Office 365 are great to view CSV Content but are slow to quickly view csv content. Csv Viewer allows to quickly view csv files, even the pretty big ones of like 500k-1m rows.
  • Package Xml: Package Xml feature allows you to build package.xml from Org components, merge two package xml, clean and parse for easy reporting.
  • Login As User Enhancements: Login As User feature has been enhanced with the ability to log-in in an incognito window, different browser profile as well as different browsers.
  • Connection Menu Enhancements: The connection menu is enhanced with the ability to copy login url, session id, set profile language and navigate to quick urls.


Here is the list of things we are releasing in Brobench v4.2 Corona

About Corona

Corona is the outermost layer of the Sun's atmosphere. It is incredibly hot and be up to 1.8–5.5 million degrees (f). Usually you cannot see that as the Sun's core is so hot and bright, but during a total solar eclipse you can see. NASA's Parker Solar probe, launched in 2018, actually flew through Corona to collect research data.

  • 🌟 New Module: Field Analysis: Do you want to understand which fields are populated and to what percentage? Field Analysis module would help you get all the metrics you're looking and more. See Field Analysis for more info.
  • Quick Field Analysis: While Field Analysis module provides all you're looking for, it can take time to create request and run the analysis. If you are looking for quick analysis of an object you are exploring, Quick Data Analysis would get you there with single click. Goto Objects -> Fields -> More Actions -> Do Quick Field Analysis. See Quick Field Analysis for more info
  • SOSL Support: Query Module is enhanced with SOSL supports all within the same Query editor including content assist, data display, and custom pre-processing to add some convenience features. See SOSL Queries for more info.
  • SOAP/GraphQL Support in API Requests: Apis module is enhanced with support for executing various types of APIs, including SOAP and GraphQl. See APIs for more info.
  • Query via Bulk API Support: Query Module is enhanced to support querying selected SOQL via Bulk API. App will do all heavy lifting internally, and you would see the results in the Grid as normally you would but faster. It also supports viewing Bulk Query Results which can be leveraged to view results of Bulk Query Job created by other tools. See Query via Bulk API for more info.
  • Execute as Polymorphic Query: Are you tired of adding when Opportunity then <field list> to your Task or Event query? Say no more. Write query as usual and then select Execute as Polymorphic Query. See Query Docs for more info.
  • View Record Hierarchy: When a Sobject field looks up to itself, it becomes a hierarchy field. For ex., Account.ParentId or User.ManagerId. Visualizing such data hierarchies is painful and very laborious process. View Record Hierarchy feature shows helps visualize the such hierarchy a single click process. It supports both standard and custom fields.
  • Track Record Changes: When troubleshooting an issue, you might want to see what changes have happened in a record as you or an api makes changes. Track Changes shows changes made to all fields, including long text area fields, and non-history tracked fields.
  • Compare Values: Have you copied data from Salesforce query results into some third party app just to see how two values or records differ? Compare Values/Records feature remove the pain and makes comparing values/records as smooth as possible. See Compare Values for more info.
  • Excel file Export support: Brobench supports exporting the data into Excel (xlsx) format. See Exporting Data for more info


Here is the list of things we are releasing in Brobench v4.1 Betelgeuse

About Betelgeuse

Betelgeuse is a red supergiant star. It is located at about 500 light years from earth. If you put it where our Sun is, its edge would be beyond Mars' orbit.

  • Dark Theme: We are adding Dark theme per popular request, in addition to the current Light theme. We are defaulting Theme to System so that depending on your computer setting, it can switch automatically to Light or Dark theme, but you can override it to be specific one via App Menu -> Themes -> <choice>. See Themes for more info.
  • Object Data Tab: We are adding capability to preview a different set of records in Objects -> <Sobject> -> Data tab, including viewing Favorite Queries, List views.
  • 🛠 Alert Bar Coloring: We are making the Alert Bar coloring as default enabled per user feedback. See Tab Changes for more info.
  • 🛠 Record Page Preview Fields: Since we allow user to create custom preview fields, it could happen that they define a lot of fields, which takes up quite a significant space, hence we show minimal preview fields in Popup mode and all preview fields in full-screen mode. All fields are always shown in Id Preview popup


Here is the list of things we are releasing in Brobench v4.0 Andromeda

From 4x onwards, we are going to assign a fun space themed name to the release with a brief fun facts about that object. Hope you all like it.

About Andromeda

Andromeda is the nearest major galaxy to our galaxy Milky-way, and it is humongous. It spans across 260 thousand Light Years. Andromeda is going to collide with Milky way sometime in the future but don't wait out.

  • Redesign of Modules: We redesigned module architecture which enables us to add new modules without loading the main toolbar. This updated redesign allows us to show some basic modules to at app launch and rest can be opened as and when required. Click on the App Menu on the top left to open required modules
  • Tabs Redesign: Tabs visual and functionality has been enhanced. Now active tabs are easier to understand. Tabs also comes up a Tabs menu (right-click on Tab), which allows you to go to particular tab, close them or close them all etc.,
  • App Layout Redesign: App main layout is redesigned to make it easier to visualize the information. Now it has 2 main manu, one on the left (App Menu) and one on the right (Connection Menu). Connection Menu shows current connection related details, actions and App Menu shows the application-specific details/actions
  • Sfdc OAuth connections: Sfdc Connection can be configured to be authenticated via OAuth. This allows you to interact with that connection in Brobench without having to log in to that Org via UI.
  • Datagrid Gsheet Export: Datagrid now supports exporting to Google Sheets
  • Multi Record View: So far Brobench showed only single record at a time. Now it supports multiple records, up to 5 tabs.
  • Record Detail Tabs: Now you can configure one or more Record Detail Tabs to show related records based on Child Field or SOQL Query
  • Record Custom Preview Fields: This allows you to specify onr or more preview fields to be shown for a record, in addition to standard ones that are shown by default
  • View Deleted Record: Record view shows a record even if it is deleted
  • SOQL Datagrid Edit: Now you can edit the records directly in SOQL Datagrid. This works in all places where SOQL Results are shown like in Object Data tab or SOQL Child records etc.,
  • Apex Module: Apex module allows you to execute an anonymous apex script and shows the resulting debug log
  • Apis Module: Apis module allows you to execute Salesforce Rest/Soap APIs with Postman like interface
  • Schema Describe Module: This module allows you to describe object details of one or more objects and export them into CSV or Gsheet
  • Code Coverage Module: This module allows you to view the Apex Classes, its current coverage level, tests helping provide that coverage.
  • 🛠 Clear Cache Quick Action: Now you can easily clear the Cache via App Menu -> Quick Actions -> Clear Cache


  • Query: Added the Query module which provides the most easy and feature rich way to query Salesforce data. This is a major capability with loads of features. See Query for more info
  • Sobject Data tab: For Sobject details, added Data tab to preview data quickly without having to query.
  • View All Picklist Values: In Sobject details Fields tab, there is View all Picklist Values more action which shows all picklist values for that object for easy viewing and exporting
  • Readonly Connections: While editing Connection, you can mark Connection as Readonly and if so, Brobench will not perform any writable operations
  • New metadata in Shortcuts: New metadata items (Queues/Groups/Apps/Sites) are included in the shortcuts
  • Omnibox Search: Added omnibox enhancement where you can log in or goto shortcuts by typing bb in the address bar
  • 🚨 Orgs Name/Color/Settings Changes The Color and Name fields have been removed as those were creating confusion over what is there in Connection. Also Tab Changes checkboxes have been removed to Connection level. Now Orgs tab just shows list of Orgs you have logged into to explore and also open those tabs
  • Open app in new tab: Cmd+Click the App Launcher to open the app in new tab
  • Favorite scripts in Global Bookmark Menu: The global bookmark menu has been updated to include Favorite Scripts
  • Layout Updates: Tabs are moved to space between logo and right side options so save additional space. Also, datagrids are updated to automatically take available space when loaded.


  • App Launcher: Brobench icon is added to the Salesforce UI pages which allows you to launch the app as popup window That window stays put as you navigate in the app. Click on the icon again to dismiss it.
  • Logins: Added unified Favorites/Recent menu
  • Logins: Ability to import connections from Synebo Export
  • Org: Ability to control individual changes applied to org tabs
  • Org: Show if session is active for each of the Orgs
  • Org: Click on org name to goto that Org's sfdc home page
  • Record: Added unified Favorites/Recent records menu
  • Record: Added Server Recent Menu which shows the recently accessed records in Sfdc UI
  • Record: Added Back action. As you click other ids and navigate to those records, you can use Back action to go back to previous record
  • Record: View Record additional details. Tabs are shown as applicable. For ex., Permsets is applicable only for User record
    • Files
    • Notes
    • Tasks
    • History
    • Permsets
    • Logins
    • Setup Audit
    • Org Tree
  • Record: View additional record information based on Record. For ex., for User show Profile, Active, Role etc.,
  • Record: Record Preview. Hover over a record id to preview the record summary
  • Record: All date times are shown in single user specified timezone in the preference. If not specified then defaults to Sfdc user timezone. This tz can be set in Profile -> Options -> Preferences
  • Record: Record value display has been enhanced to show data formatted per each field type
  • Record: Record Actions. Additional record actions are shown depending on the type. Following actions are added as of now.
    • Edit in UI
    • Enable Debug Logs (User only)
    • Reset Password (User only)
  • Object: Added Favorites/Recent menu
  • Object: Tooling objects are listed now
  • Object: Show additional details for each object
    • Docs (only for standard objects)
    • Fields
    • Parents
    • Children
    • Flows
    • Record Pages
    • Layouts
    • Val Rules
    • Triggers
    • Record Types
    • Limits
  • Object: Added All objects Grid filters to show particular category of objects
  • Object: Added single Object fields grid filters to show fields by category, and type
  • Shortcuts: Added Favorites/Recent menu
  • Deploys Tab: Added new tab which shows all deployments. Clicking on a deployment, show its details
  • Audit Tab: Allows searching for Setup audit by time range, user and/or action
  • Text Tool Tab: Versatile text manipulation tool which provides many text operations (
  • Profile/Options: Added Options Dialog, which allows backup Brobench data, import from backup, clear cache and set preferences


  • Feature: Show various Landing Pages in the Login Connection more actions menu
  • Feature: Various Org indicators
    • Show the conn alias as Browser title prefix
    • Show the conn alias in the top right of page
    • Show the conn color as border color on the top of page
  • Feature: View Org Limits
  • Fix: Various bug fixes

Earlier Versions

  • View and edit current record
  • Shortcut Urls management
  • View Objects and fields
  • Add Logins Feature
  • Search for users, login as and reset password
  • Tab Changes, including Tab Favicon color, Title Prefix, Alert Bar Coloring, Header Bar and Connection Name box